i'm so bored laa. ohh gosh! tomorrow is schooling day. oh my oh my! i'm so tired! and so sleepy.
but, my eyes just wont closed and i my body just dont want to sleep!
oh my god! i dont knw what to do maa! okay, homework tak buat lgii! Malas meh! ):
okay, tomoorrow lpas smayang jumaat, Danial nak buat OpenHouse!
and guess what, i must serve all the guests. ohh i hate it! i'm just a little girl.
i dont knw wht to do. i must layan all of them. grrr
so bored! bt, sometimes i love it 'cause i got to knw my brother's friends.
or more better in category senior laa :)
smbung nnti. mau tidoo.
papa dah bisingg!

hari rayaa lagii :DDDD

yayayayayy!! its raya . and time past by . and its already raya yg ke-5 !
woooo ! its unbelievable .ye laa. sbulan puasa . pejam celik pejam celik dah raya !
mcm ta caya jee . its MAGIC oh ! hhhahahah :))) mngarut jee aku ! heeee =DD
boring oh hari nii . BORED maa ! nothg to do . dduk rumah . do homework .
kmas rumah. watch tv . and scream a lot ! bahhahaahah :)))
esok school maa . mls laa nak work out time schooling day nii. mmbosan kn. and what should i type today ?
emmmm. ookayy ! i akn tulis apa yg start dri hari sblum raya smpai hari nii :)
hari sblum raya ; 30 september 2008
yaaaaayy! hari ni last puasa . and i'm so excited ! =DDD
esok rayaa . geee =) mcm skjap jee .
pgi tdi ta buat apa punn . dduk rumah . i'm not well ! demam ! bhahahhaah :))
bosan gal ! then , ptang pgi rmah wan(my nanny) laa :)
kat keramat jea .
heee :) nsib baik dkat . then buka kat situ . mlm tuuu.
tido jea . igtkn nk bgun nak tlg mama kmas rmah wan . tp, tgok2,
time bgun tuu . kpala ni berat semacam ohh .
pning gall !! tgok2 dmam panas . trpaksa tidurr blik . ta dpt tidurr rmah wan maa !
pas tu blik . then , mkn jap . tidurrr !!!
first raya ; 1oktober 2008
pgi2 jee . bgun, mandi, pkai bju raya . siap2 semua ! pgi rumah wan .
haiyooo ! pning maa. then , kumpul rmai2 . brsalam salmn , minta maaf semua .
time i slm papa and mama , i was like uhh ! i nngis wooo ~ ='(
bhahahahha :)) pstu , mata lebam jea dlm camera time photoshoot ohh ! ohhh DISASTER !
then, ptang tuu blik muar, JOHOR laaa ! :)
second raya ; 2 oktober 2008
nothg to dooo meh ! mkn tidurrr mkn tidur mkn tidurr .
third raya ; 3 oktober 2008
sama laaa ! nothg too doo ! mkn tidurr , mkn tidurr !
fourth raya ; 4 oktober 2008
blik KL ! :)
fifth raya ; 5 oktober 2008
dduk rmah . pgi rayaa rumah jiran ! :)
kemas rumahh . tidurr . main intrnet . tgok tv !bhahahahah :))
thenthen , bbye !
mkn kat luarr . bye ! :DDDDd