Suveysurvey :O

Last people you've met : Habibah
Last people you talk to the phone : Fareez
Last people you chat on YM! : Eddie
Last people you chat on Myspace : Raff
Last people touch you : Oya
Last people you argued with : Oya
Last people make you laugh : Fareez
Last people make you cry : Iq
Last people make you angry : Oya
Last people that make you ashamed : Mama
Last people that make you crazy : Fareez
Last people that make you scream : Abangg
Last people you kiss : Fluffy :*
Last people that you hug : Eddie
Last people that you've met ( georgous ) : Kak Nady
Last people that you've met ( handsome ) : Eddie Aqasha :)
Last time you've met your crush : No crush :p
Last people that you helped : Mama , perhaps *
Last people that picturing with you : Apeng & Kipphy
Last people that you said " ILOVEYOU " : Apeng :)

First day of school 2009 -.-

Its Sucks ! Aduhduh -.- I feel like I just want to scream out loud .
Omigosh :O Bosann seyh . First day , dah ada keja wooo .
Menyeksakann ! I wa like dying mnyiapkann semuaa . Huish .
Tapela ths year , UPSR * Soo , must studyhard . After thtt , enjoy baiii like heaven , hehe =)
Butt, I feel happy cause dptt meet kwn2 yg suda sebulan stgah takk jumpaa .
Thenn , I was like TIREDD bila balikk . Malam je dah kena study in ScoreA .
Online kejap * hehe ,

The second day I was like Huhhh ? -.- Tiredd gilaa . Tatahu nape .
Balik sekola je mandi teruss tidurr mati . Haish .
Seriously , ngantukk pluss penat .
Then , bangun tgk tv . Online * Blog-ging .
Laparr , grr * Padahal suda mkn . -.-"
Okayy . Buutt , seriously I tekad study like HELL , no more fooling around and having fun like 2008 .
Afterr UPSR * baru enjoy gilagila punya kauu woo :O

Okay . Sudah penat . Mahu study -.-
Sooo , thanks for reading .

Bye , lots of love from <33 Sara ;]

Survey from Suraya ;]

birthday : 13th birthday 1997 :p Comingg up !

current location : Bukit Indah, Ampangg :]

righty or lefty : Righty , of coz'

heritage : Tak ambill tahuu :p

thoughts first waking up : Where's my Fluffy Gemokk ? hehe ,

mcdonalds or burger king : I prefer McD ;]

chocolate or vanilla : Choc , I would be better :p

what were you doing 5 minutes ago : Commenting DausPsycho's Pictures .

i love : Whom I love <33 hehe ,

i feel : I want to Shout till death :O

i hate : Him , FAKER !

i need : My precious darlingg , Fikri :'(

last person you argued with : My Lil Sis :)

favorite cheese : I dont know butt , KRAFT :p

allergic to : Biatchh ;)

ever thrown up in a car : Neverr , nigtmare :O

first person you call when having a bad day : Not in phone but sometimes in Mys or YM! Usually , Bibah , Isya and Nanaa :]

first concert : When I wass 5 yearss oldd :)

shampoo first or wash body first : Wash body firstt , then shampoo :]

pen or pencil : I prefer pen cause if pencil , tulisan Burukk :(

perfect time to wake up : 12 noon , I think * hehe ,

perfect time to go to bed : 3 a.m :]

Family reunion ;)

Today ;) 3 january 2009 * We all had a family reunion at my grandparents house .
So happy siall :DD
Actually ...

Papa had a call from Poksu ( my youngest uncle ) . He said come to Keramatt ( grandparent house ).
Papa was like uhhh ? -.- Thenn , okay ! Hurry hurry , siapsiapp !
Mandi then siap je terus start engine and go to keramatt .
Sampai je sana I saw my precious aunt ( mak tam ) was outside,
She was talking to aunty Tijah ( grandparent's neighbour ) , and nadim .
Whle some guy sedang jolokk buah rambutan , hehe .
I get out from my car then I ran to my silly little cousin , Rina *
I was likee so happy tht I finnally could meet her afterr 1 month ;)
I hughug dia like hell .
Then I carried herr , fyi ; she's onlyy fourr . hehe ,
I was likee terkejutt gila cause ramai oh !
Some of my Grandpa's cousin was theree . Then , we all layan mereka till 7.00 they get LOSTT .
Jahat je * Then , we all pray and blablabla .

Paktam lah , hehe :DD Gila kelkar oh ! My grandma already 70 , perhapss *
If dia pegang pinggan or somethg yg agk beratt , tgn dia mggeletarr .
Paktam jahat woo . Dia amik cwn then ckp lah " Makk , nak airr " .
Dia buat tgn menggeletar jahat gila kann ? Hehe :DD
Then , my grandma touching je :( Sian woo !
Hehe :DD It was fun maa !

Thenn , paktam suro poksu beli mknn , tp poksu like malass gilaa.
tibatiba , gadoh psl siapa nak beli mknn ;)
Bukan gado but , mcm paksapaksa org lahh . Haha ,
After tht , poksu surrender terus ambil kertass buat list nak beli apa teruss pergi beli .
Sian je wehh !

Laprr deyh ;( grr , Tunggu punyalaah lama .
Bosan gilaa ! Thenn lepak kat kelua kat depan gate oh .
Kelaka oh time tu , topik kitorg pasal couple . Siott je ! Irfan lah mula dulu , hehe :DD
I , Kak Yana , Irfan , Izzat && Imran .
Lepaklepak till poksu balik beli mknn .
Poksu balik je , we all rushing terus masukk ruma .
We all tgk tv japp . Thenn , dinner is serve , Wahhh !
Sampai je kat meja makan , we all like WOWWW ! yumyum :p
Ayam golek , telur dadar , Ikan siakap dua ekor , Ikan bawal sekor , Udang and Tomyam .
I makan 5 ketul ayamgolek , tapi kecilkecil je . Ikan siakap and tomyam .
Mengenyangkan ohh !

Then , lepak kat luar balikk .
Kak yana punya jam hilangg . we all was like Huhhh O.o"
Aduhduh . We all was like chaos pegi cari .
I baru nak masukk ruma ada org pggil ' Sara ! '
I pndg belakang rupanya Najmi , kawan Fahmi . Budak keramatt ;)
I was like ' Whattt ?!! '
Dia pnggil ajak lepak . I was like NO WAYY I'm going to lepak with those guy .
Bukan apaa . They all lelaki , i pula perempuan *
I pegi kat Najmi and said " Naj , aku ada hal doee . Sorry ;) "
Naj pggil , I teruss belah masuk dalam , Weee :DD
Kejam je siottt ! -.-

It was fun cause dpt kumpul ngnn semua cousins . act , not all -.-
But , I was like happy je . heehee :DD
But , sayang sekali , tak bawak camera soo tadpt tgkp gmbr ;[

Thanks for read ths .

What they said abt me ? ;)

Aidaa says

ohh, saraliyana, diaa cool . my very the very bestfriend dohh.

Thank god kita same class kan kan? (: dia suke GILA buat muka comel dier, dia geng gossip saya and business partner saya :D okay, i think thats all bout her, plus she's nice :p syggg awk lah cik saraliyanabtnoorkamal!

Qyla says

Sara ? dia gilee . my dearest petsis . she’s supercaringg and she’s there when i need someone. she's there when i all wayyy alone. She’s will always be there for you trust me i'm not lying and why should i be lying? she's there when im down, and when i need a listener .

she’s always be by myside , cheer me up , lighten up my days and he makes me laugh A LOT ! ily sara ^^

Yola says

sara ? dea bek (: saia uke tgk dea gelak . hahah . tathu nape ? uhh dea shantek meyh . suke gyleyk babi tgk muke . ta lapad sanad nan dea tpy kalaw leyh nawk tenal lebeyh lapad nan dea . dea hawt k0yt (: myb . dea niewp mayak scandal ouh . jelesh² ouhh nan dea . suke ouh begay0t nan dea . mayak jewp ouh nawk be cte nan dea . ouhh kit0wunk niewp suke bahan uwg n kutuk uwg ouh tambah² agy cia . mmg h0bby kit0wunk . hahah . cia² k0wunk arh mangse kit0wunk tuwk tambah mgetahuan (: hhaahah . sara dea bek shantek chumel gyleyk sengal gewdik keding putih lawa cun . uwhhh sapeh ta uke nan dea mmg k0wunk rugy . hahah (: dea arh gadis tudung yunk bek pena saia tenal (: ileviyouuu .

p/s ; ouhh tuwh adalah amalan sara (:

Leeya says

sarara! .budak tinggi!.she baek gile bab* ohh.she caring,comell sngat.hahha.first meet ingat kan sombong rupenyaa friendly gila uh! mcm da lame knal.bestt lpak2 ngn dye.

hmm, da lame tak lpak2 same kn?kn? btw i ♥♥ you budak tinggi :Pp

Sis Aisyah says


she's cute.

n i'm surprise dat she is 11 yrs old.

i noe her by dnial n bibah.

she's very frenly n xsombong.


Apis says

Saraliyana: you , fr me. you're kind girls , and you're cute (;

btw. you kn sweetclown i kn kn? nnt meet you i nk bg you something doo! hidung badut yg merah tuu? kalau you pakai tentu comel , and i lovee it ;D

that's all of you , Thank You.

Erika says

em sara eh , first i jumpe you i tgh sakit time tuh ,

so tak boleh nk ckp , hha :)

but what i know about you ,

you were really nice to me ,

and yeah primary school dh nkal eh kluar2 ni. hha jk jk

em yeah , you good looking person ,

makan byk eh , kasi tggi lg and btw hope bole meet you lg :D

Fatin says

saraliyana ? simple to say !

she's gorgeous , cute and smart !

relyrely jealous . ;)

walaupun x kenal die sgtt ,

but die gila baek ohh !

sng kata , die hmpir perfect lahh !

sara , hrp dpt knl awk lbey mndlm ;) hee .

Elyn says

emm sara , hehe actly baru jeh kenal kan . ohh shit die igt i ex iqbal ngok tuh , haha . no lah babe, kteorg kwn jeh . satu kmpg :) she a nice lil girl, she cute giler . die mcm adik i jgk lahh . caring sgt2 . u nak tahu iqbal jatuh cinta dgn u . hoho .

iloveyouu babe :D

Arlyne says

sara.sara n sara . haha always sharing probs with her dol . haha i noe u bency gyla kat bf i yg sewel thu yeah dye mmg sewel haha . u cute hunn . ye kowt hehe . bf i sllau jeles dgn u if bacer text u cuz kte kan slalu say sygs2 dye ingt i les ouhh god..! buduh jeh dye . sara sara n sara . ape lagy ekh dye sengal juge kekadng . i wish tht i can meet her smday . haha . tapy tataw biler . kte knl from our cmmnty kan kan kan . hehe . ily kiddo.


Isyaa says

sara budak mereng ni ? haha kenal la , die bestie i maa :D kan kan sayangg ? haha sayangg you comel laa . 1st meet sumpa jeles tgk you , you comel gila bhai . haha iloveyou laa , bile msg dgn you tah pape laa merapu doe . mengila dgn you sgt best . haha you best la , you mcm sistasisto i :DD haha kite kutok pun same same jea gossip pun together lepak mmg always same laa kan kan ? haha sayangg you baik dgn i doe , telampau baik . you paham i plus you tahan dgn pangai i . haha sarasar-O i love you gila banyak bin telampao .


Suraya says

sara yeahh ? knal knal :DD diaa ni mmg superb baik lahh :D kalau cht, first first macaam senyaap jeaa, lepas tu ? macam org gila, mmg best :) saraa nii die lawaa and tinggi gila, JEALOUS. die ni sweet gilaa yet awesome gile bai .

and andd Hope you success in your life !! ILYSDFGM !

Nisasa says

Sara Liyana Noor Kamal , ini budak comel manyak :) sukaa gila dia ! dah lah lawa , cantik and comel pulak tuh :P OMG ! Fyi , die palingg famous duhh , :) ily weyh ! i heart you duhh , comels !

Ieqachan says

kacang panjang ni !haha dia panjang gila oh plus baik sangat sangat,lama dah tak jumpa kan kan ?

haha :DD

awak saya sayang awak sangat sangat :DD

Sis Ezani says

Sara friendly, senyum je. Haha. Then lawa.

Tp tak pernah hang out pun, hope lepas ni boleh la kan? :P I don't really know her, but what I know is, she's cute ;)

Hafiz says

bout sara?


even bru knl kat myspace,,

rase dia cpt touching:)

nway she have a kind of heart..

even bru knl pon dy t8 care..

spae dpt dy mmg untung,,,


hopefully she get a good result in UPSR..


bjaja rajin2 tau adik!

n jgn lupe:slalu doakn ksejahteraan fikri?:)


keep smilling owey my dear~:)

Sis Manda says

sara,cntk and comel jea.die baek ;p

nmpk matured jea ohh die nih :D

first knal mcm smbong sgt. haha. tp lme2 die oke laa.lame x meet die.

nnt arap2 bole la ann ?loveyou dik :D

Nananyno says

budak kecik . x tahu la nk ckp ape bcos kaw x rapat dgn aku la .first knal mcm nk x nak je da lame 2 oke suda jady satu geng but now x rapat ntah pcl ape kan kan . and just i say u comil , suke tlg kawan .

and the last i want u know i want friend with u forever :)

Nadhrah says

alahai,petik je ramai dtg.HAHA

dye lawa gile kalau nk tao!agak selalu la lepak dgn dye.hurm,ala x tao la nk ckp ape.lagi satu,dye gedik.HAHA

ampun ye dik.

nway,ily lad!=D

Ekyn says

sara oh sara .

1st time meet dye d bb .

dye sweet sgatt mase tu .

ahhaha .

walawpon kyte talaa bape rapat .

but i suke kwn same u .

n n sury if i ade buad sala same u ukehh .

heee(: .

iloveyou laa !

Yaya says

sara sara sara , adik danial tu kn ? haha actually i've met SOOOO many times , sometimes she just came back from sekolah agama i guess pfft haha sbb she's wearing kai hijau :p okay the first time i talk to her was at her house , HER OPEN HOUSE , isnt it ? tah lah , if im not mistaken haihh =,= hrm , sara is GOOD girl haha okay thats all mwa mwa mwa <3>

Nynaa says

saraliyana iz my beshbeshGIRLFIE in da world ! sumpah bez hangout ngan kaw ! first time jumpe ase cm jmpe ngan bdak sme umoo ! heeehhh ;D budak matang la katekan ! ;p pape pown nynaa saaayyyaaannggg kamo00 ketat2 sendat2 dan laen2 ;) aku laa satu2nyee panda mu :D

Sis Aina says

what can I say about my beloved Sara Liyana? :) Ohh , she is cute , friendly, caring and also sweet. Kalau hang out dengan dia mmg gelak tak ingat dunia! She is lucky too . Because, she has like loads of friends :) That love her so much. Including me ! :) Entah dari mana tiba2 rapat dgn budak kecik nihh. HAHA. Tp takdela kecik mane punn. Nak sama tinggi dahh :D HAHA. I'm jealous of her :p But, I do love her so much much much ! She is my only Yanoyy :) Ily, dear.

LaksaLaksa says

SARA ouh SARA ! SARA nixh sweet plus nomeyh . carink n mcm2 law . ngee . first LAKSA knl dyew at TS . ngee . time touwh dyew sombonk glew . hehehe . akhir nyew dpt gax fren nan dyew . huhuhu . tenkz kiu erk . SARA spoting . cngt baik lol . LAKSA appy with dyew . dyew cuke bg LAKSA duit . ngee . jgn upew LAKSA taw2 . heheh . pew2 pown . cygscygs SARA ccgt . cngt bnyk . heheh . mwah3630 . mwah3630 . TC .


Ines says

ohh, sraaa.

u are my lesbo.hahah.

just jk.

bdk nie baik,cntk,tinggi pulak 2.


adk sungguh baik.



u are my soul bbe!

Arsh says

ohh, hha sara ni gile, cool, ske ckp ily doh. lme2 gak ada gak aku tergoda, HAHAHA ;DD

btw, sara u friendly laa, ske buat lwak bodo hha, pneman i nk grak kl yeah? yela kott. hha, i xtau nk ckp ape da ah, yg mne mgarut2 tu sndri ptg ah tau



Azza says

Oh, the pretty Sara who's friendly. Before I met her, I've heard a lot of bad things about her but I know its not true. Hanging out with you really kills boredom.

Well, I think thats it :) Lastly, ily lahh Sara ;)

Star says

saraawwrr :) ngeee. hhaha sarawr ialah sarawr larh! haha. hee. dye ni udak kecik + tomeytomey.

ngeee. sarawr is gilak tapi dye OK. haha. gilak itu best baru masok air. haha air itu masok in brain brula jadi water inside my brain! hahhah. sarawr is velyvely sweet like apple pieee. sarawr olwez ciut miut like hello kitty. miowwwwww~ hehe. sarawr bdak keck. butbut kite tak taw dye kecik. haha. dye MATURED lebeh. hehe mmbuatkan dye nmpak MATURED laaa. hahah. sarawr si kiut miut cumelcumel gaban2. walaw pun brubru kenal. tapitapi, spe messssss nan dye. kite kick kick butttt org tu. ehehe.

ily dekk ;)

Abg ku sayanng says

you alwyas backup me


so gedix n ngade2


kidding la

like to follow i want to friends spe2


i bngang

u so sweet

Sarra says

Sara? dYe coOL sGT….

dYe ske lepak…!! N friendly sGt….

dYe best N baek saGT 2… sara ske

buat muLuT dYe yg cute tue,,,

dYe TAK memiLih KAsih TaU..

dYe frens nGaan seeemue,……ORANG!!

Haha I’LL never frGET u dEAr!!!!

Lurve u dear!!!:p

Aiman says

saraa:she's nice,cute,friendly n xsombng.tekejut gak coz bru 11 yrs old. hehe. da tinggi.hehe.nwy,dlu slalu hang out together.skang tak.hehe.hope bleh hang out together lg. ok. tu jea.nwy,ilysfdm sarara.


Munie says

saraa : sara nie sowang yg baek okay . first time meet ye . muke ye nmpk mtang gile oh . pastu mase toe aku tego ye . pastu mase kat foodcourt ye blnje aku air lah ape lah .

hgee~ baek gile oh yee .

lastkali i want to say iloveyousofuckindamnmuchhh <333>

Haiz Azrie says

"sara sara"

ae nk kutok nie >>

hik3..akuh rndu same kow..nk kuar gn kow nak met gn kow...aku eppy jdy kwan kow..kow baek chumil n simple jep..huh..tpy ade time kow jaat x pndang sedey au...kow pkul sakit au..waaa rase cm nk nges jep..tpy kne la cntrol macho kn kn..hahha...

thank ye dear coz pna bnje ae RM10 enget..tankiu tankiu..huhu...nty klu ae da jobs bank 4ribu ae blnje km0oo mum mc'D ya syg..kowang semua plz jgn sket kn aty die..die kwan aku..akuh syg same die..emm tu je kowt..


iklas dry kawan mu"haiz azrie"

Iman Najaa says

Sara Liyana is baek...

eventhough i'm not sooo close with her, she still gaul2 jgk lar...

She is caring.. klu ade openhouse kat rmh sape2 , she will borak2 with us.. :D She is pretty and awesome.. and umm... thats all i think ... just wanna say good luck in everything you do.. :] ♥

Iman says

haha.sara ni baek sgt.:D

nmpk pendiam tp die peramah gak. of course die bdk yg comel.;)

die adek danial.haha.

tiada ape2 yg panjang utk ditaip.

kerana die da mmg baek.


Karnain says

saraa:die cute,friendly n baik..die x smbong mcm org laen..kalo diri kt sblah die agak segan ar..coz die lgy tnggi.hehe..bru 11 thn mmg best ar kalo kwn ngan die..bnyk tu je la kot..xtau la nk ckp ape lgy..k la tc..ily!!

Ali says

sara ni comel dan tinggi. kurus plak tu. tp dia baik la. sama mcm abg dia :D xperlu la panjang2 lg. cukup la ni eh.

hehe :P

Ezzhar says

sara nie giler org nyer x taw erti pnat la.pnat owh ekowt die jalan.agak2 law aku follow die tiap2 minggu.kurus aku.kuat berjalan meyh die nie..biler iqbal hilang diye call aku ahahaha.sore kaw cm kaw da besar dowh sara.tapi kecik agy . best la lepak ngan kaw.biler nk jumpe lagi?jmpe kat galaxie ar x leyh bla.


Imran says

HMM sara?, senyum je. Haha. Unfortunately, xpena bercakap dgn dia. ;p I don't really know her, but what I know is, she seems like very friendly.


Eone says

sara ni gile, cool, ske ckp ily,my dear.

lme2 gak ada gak aku tergoda, huhuhu i skew sgt kwn ng u :>

Yaya says

ohh, saraa miss u lahh!sara like a genious girl.sara , GARANG TP ,, CUTE:Dhaha , bdk ni popularr gak kt skola.

jealous gilee dgn die;)

Shasha says

sara anda rock !

sentiase hebat .

n ta pena sombong .

kau laa junior yg paling baek ngn aku .

but aku mara kau rapat ngn bestie aku .

waaa !

sumpa jeles .

haha .

btw kau junior aku paling rapat darl !

ily n ilmy ktatktat !

Fath says

sarasarasara:)die nih cumil sangatsangat.and and baek.and and tinggi ouh.haha.klao hangout ngn die best sngt.die friendly kutt.lame x jumpe awk.

i miss you lah dear :)

Habibah says

SaraLiyana Noor Kamal ;) nama yang menarik kan kan kan? orgnya lagiilah menarik!hehe. dia baik.& seriously sgt matang.mengalahkan org lain yang dah mmg matang :D Istiqomah lah dgn cara hidup sekarang ye Sara :) aurat tu kena jaga.ingat jgn sesekali pun buka aurat.

suka senyuman dia yang melambangkan jati dirinya =)

Areen says

sara: 0..sorry describe lambat...

anyway..sara: )she is very qute...cantik..lawa tinggi dan mcm2 lagi...agak ah..baru 11 taun same tinggi ngan bdk form 1...she is my fighting partner...dulu..skrang dah tk...sbb dh slalu tk hangout kt padang hahahah......lastly..hope we can be fighting partner lagi someday....bye a fighting partner ; p

Fieq says

SARA?who dind't know sara liyana haha.dia baik,comel,lawa,manis,bijak,pandai dan yg sewaktu dgn nyer.sara ni pandai dance aww bwat pengetahuan semua.

die prefect kt year dia akan menghadapi UPSR , good luck sara :)lastly,i love you lar sara ,sekian terima kasih...

Teera says

hrmm.saraa.i miss her so much2:)

die tinggi. baikk. tp,pasal camera.uisshh!lupe diri ouh.

sory to said that my dear.

it's okeyy.girls 91% mcm tuu.

mcm u la syg.


Byebye to my dearest BestBoyFriend :'(

25th december 2008 ( christmas ) , at 3.48 am I was crazy like hell . My dearest BestBoyFriend , Iqbal, was like entah lah . He was like mnjauhkan diri dari aku. I was like gilagila mnngis and scream like hell. Mcm ni ceritanyaa ..

22th december , perhaps . Iqbal gado ngn Jimmy and Ezz .

Actually, bukan gado but mcm ada salah fhmm sikitt .

I pun mcm cared gilagila pasal Iqbal, then terus call ezz untk minta dia cerita perkara sebenar.

Then ezz cerita and blablabla . Okay , now I fhm !

Then , minta pula Iqbal ceritakan hal sebenarr . Dia cerita lain pulaa .

Okay peningg jee -.-"

I ckp ngn Iqbal relax minta maaf and cuba jgn fkr psl ni and selesai eloklok .

I ckp ngn ezz pula, jgn lah ambil hati sesgt ngn Iqbal cause Iqbal ni agk sensitif orgnyaa.

Ezz pun, oh okay lah !

Then, iq tahu yg i cuba buat diorg berbaikk .

dia marah i cause buat mcm tuu . WTF ?!

I was just trying to help him , nothg else duhduh .

then , i surrender . diam saja lahh !

On 24th december , mlm tu I cll Iq . diorang dah berbaik . i was like fuhhh ':O

TThen . He said he was busybusy . Soo , he told me to call him mlm sikitt .

I was okay thenn ;)I call dia around 3.26 mcm tuu borakborak then

dia kata dia kata dia dah byk sushkan i and selalu buat i sedih lahh.

I tak kesa semua tu lah I just need someone tht can

cared abt me and bole jaga I dgn baik , tu jeee .

Then . dia kata tayah contact dah and i wass geram gilaa , nngis gilaagila woo .

I like suda gilaa * -.-" I dnt knw , i just cnt accepted ths .

Lamalama, tak contact dia dah.

Then, abtt 4 days laterr I tgk profile Myspace dia , suda ada Gf baru lahh. :'(

Tu lah . Sometimes, betul apa org ckp . Friend is my everythg ;)

Seriously, now I dah bole accept and thnks to all my frens yg support and selalu advice I ;))

Iloveyou guys till death <33