i'm so bored laa. ohh gosh! tomorrow is schooling day. oh my oh my! i'm so tired! and so sleepy.
but, my eyes just wont closed and i my body just dont want to sleep!
oh my god! i dont knw what to do maa! okay, homework tak buat lgii! Malas meh! ):
okay, tomoorrow lpas smayang jumaat, Danial nak buat OpenHouse!
and guess what, i must serve all the guests. ohh i hate it! i'm just a little girl.
i dont knw wht to do. i must layan all of them. grrr
so bored! bt, sometimes i love it 'cause i got to knw my brother's friends.
or more better in category senior laa :)
smbung nnti. mau tidoo.
papa dah bisingg!

1 comment:

munirah :) said...

erm... wat open house x ajak kite pon! mmm...

-munirah aka bulan aka moon!