Hari kanak2 ? JAMUAN.

hari kanak2 ? the worst day everr . its all abt GURU BESAR . at first , my schl was the best schl eveerr (before the new GB came) . after GB baru arrived , sumpaahh ! bn ci gila skola kt situ . bt ini tk betul , bt itu tk betul . mcm2 ah !
malas ah nk citer abt the gurubesar . emm , then , ada jamuan around pkul 12 . i bwk macarony . first thg i amik of course my macarony, then JCO's doughnuts . yumyummy ! grr ,
then , i tk mkn byk sgt . sbb , tk ada mood kot ! HAHA ,
emm , so bored . then , jdi photograapher smntara ...

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