i miss youu , FAIZUL FIKRI . )':

marilah kita semua sedekahkan AL FATIHAH kpd arwah FAIZUL FIKRI
(kawan baik) sara yg tlah mninggal dunia pada
4 dis pd pkul 3.45 ptang
akibat barah otak .
arwah tlah mnanggung pnyakit nya sejak bulan 6 tahun ini.
marilah kita semua mendoakn agar rohnya dicucuri rahmat.
nama penuh : FAIZUL FIKRI
umur : 15 tahun
i was singing out loud a song entitled "goodbye".
then , i received a message from FATIN , Fikri's sister .
She said that Fikri had died.
i thought she's lying to me.
then i called Fikri's mother.
She answered my call and she was crying.
my heart feel like somethg bad had happen.
then i ask , " aunty, mana Fikri?"
"umphh. he had died just a few minutes ago" she replied.
i was likeee... OMG !
i ended the call with tears.
and i was crying like hell you know?
i dnt know , why ?
maybe , it is because i love him so much .
then , i took my handphone . and type a message abt Fikri's death.
and i send to all my friends, act, not all.
when maghrib , i go to my mother's bedroom.
i cried out loud and said to my mother tht Fikri had died.
my mother was crying too.
my mother hug me.
then my mother said just pray for him && be strong.
my mother also asked me to read YASSIN for Fikri.
after i solat maghrib.
i took the YASSIN && start reading it with full of tears.
then, that night i didnt take my dinner at all .
even a single drop of water.
i miiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssss yooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuu, FIKRIIII !!!


AIDAAA said...

Sabar jelahh yeaa, sumua yg hidup akn mati jugaa.

munirah :) said...

innalillah... sabar je la, sara. aku pun pernah kehilangan sesorang juga. aku byk berdosa pada dia.

Anonymous said...

Sabarjerlarh syg! Friends do come and go after all. =((

PityDara :) said...

Thanks all , dearrs ;]