Tagged by Aida :) -Boom, shake, drop :)-

1) put ur iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc on shuffle
2) for each quest, press the next button to get ur answer
3) u must write down the song's name NO MATTER HOW silly it sounds
4) put this on ur journal/blog

1- If someone says, "Is this okay ?" ... you say ?
Your call , hehe

2- How would you describe yourself ?
Love story :)

3- What do you like in a girl ?
Hot N cold :DD

4- How do you feel today ?
Puspa , bengongg je !

5- What is your life's purpose ?
Selamat hari raya , bhahahaha :DD

6- What is your motto ?
Jadikan aku yg kedua , haha , siott je !

7- What do your friends think of you ?
Situasi :)

8- What do you think of your parents ?
So what ? , HUH -.-"

9- What do you think about very often ?
Why dont you kiss her ? Muahahahahaa =)

10- What is 2 + 2 ?
Angin bayu bertiupan , hehe . Bodoh je !

11- What do you think of your best friend ?
Take my heart <33

12- What do you think of the person you like ?
Tapi bukan aku , huh ?

13- What is your life story ?
Dugaannya , :DD

14- What do you want to be when you grow up ?
Love is gone :)

15- What do you think of when you see the person you like ?
We drive tonight , hehe :DD

16- What will you dance to at your wedding ?
In the ayer , hehe

17- What will they play at your funeral ?
Selepas kau pergi . Perghh -.-"

18- What is your hobby/interest ?
Bawaku terbang , haha

19- What is your biggest fear ?
I'm yours :DD

20- What is your biggest secret ?
Secret , Cool :DD

21- What do you think of your friends ?
Disturbia , hehe . Ngekk je baii !

22- What will you post this as ?
Boom, shake, drop , Weee :)

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