Bye 2008 :( Hello 2009 ;)

2008 ;) The happiest and funfun year everr . Seriously * I miss 2008 :'( So many memories tht I cant forget on 2008 . I hope I can turn back the time and enjoy it againn and again ;)

This is a list of a memories tht I cant really forget on 2008 :O

  • Olahraga , akhir sekali time dlm bass . Aida and edin , I cant forget it !
  • Sukan tahunan , sumpaa happy gila baii :DD
  • Dpt canon EOS 400D . I was screaming lik HELL :O
  • Truth or dare with aida , lala , edin , aideed and irfan .
  • Ceritaa hantuu ;)
  • Lepak di pavi, ts, bb and klcc sama isya, lyna, nana, ekyn, eone, ejad, along, laksa, ayed, munie, balqis, abg ae, iqbal, ezz, ramai lagi laa , hehe :DD
  • Meet sama Min and adyb di pavi ;) Shyshy je , hehe .
  • Pegi bandung sma fmily ;)
  • Pegi danga bay sma WCM :DD
And so many more :DD Terlmpau byk sgt * Hehe :) I really really had fun with all of this memories ;)
Especially with family , friends and my love one <33>I really enjoying on 2008 .
But here come 2009 , scaryy !
I must studystudy hard like hell cause UPSR maa :O Takutt je . You knw wht ? I've got so nervous , on new year ( 1 january 2009 ) I was study gilagila woo :O Insane oh !Thenn , bila trigt balik , kelaka je . Study on first day of 2009 ! haha :DD But its true since my mom registered me on ScoreA ( tuition on internet ) I always do the exercise they give like hell , haha :DD Mmg belaja je . Tak tahu nape oh ? -.-" Hehe :DD but seriously . On 2009 , no more fooling around and studystudy ! No more have fun . You knw wht? No more PSP , PS2 , Myspace, Laptop and iPod . Sekali sekala shj bole guna . Crazy kann? Hehe :DD Its okay lah . Papa said after result UPSR , if I got 5A's in my hand . Go andd enjoy lahh * Haha :DD Bestbest je ! AMIN ~ Doakan I okay ? I'm sleepy * Bye and nite . Thanks for reading guys <33


AIDAAA said...

Shut up pasal Me & Edin maluu baii! HAHA actually not-so lah, :p

PityDara :) said...

Shut up ? Hehe :DD You lagi Suka adalah kann ?