Byebye to my dearest BestBoyFriend :'(

25th december 2008 ( christmas ) , at 3.48 am I was crazy like hell . My dearest BestBoyFriend , Iqbal, was like entah lah . He was like mnjauhkan diri dari aku. I was like gilagila mnngis and scream like hell. Mcm ni ceritanyaa ..

22th december , perhaps . Iqbal gado ngn Jimmy and Ezz .

Actually, bukan gado but mcm ada salah fhmm sikitt .

I pun mcm cared gilagila pasal Iqbal, then terus call ezz untk minta dia cerita perkara sebenar.

Then ezz cerita and blablabla . Okay , now I fhm !

Then , minta pula Iqbal ceritakan hal sebenarr . Dia cerita lain pulaa .

Okay peningg jee -.-"

I ckp ngn Iqbal relax minta maaf and cuba jgn fkr psl ni and selesai eloklok .

I ckp ngn ezz pula, jgn lah ambil hati sesgt ngn Iqbal cause Iqbal ni agk sensitif orgnyaa.

Ezz pun, oh okay lah !

Then, iq tahu yg i cuba buat diorg berbaikk .

dia marah i cause buat mcm tuu . WTF ?!

I was just trying to help him , nothg else duhduh .

then , i surrender . diam saja lahh !

On 24th december , mlm tu I cll Iq . diorang dah berbaik . i was like fuhhh ':O

TThen . He said he was busybusy . Soo , he told me to call him mlm sikitt .

I was okay thenn ;)I call dia around 3.26 mcm tuu borakborak then

dia kata dia kata dia dah byk sushkan i and selalu buat i sedih lahh.

I tak kesa semua tu lah I just need someone tht can

cared abt me and bole jaga I dgn baik , tu jeee .

Then . dia kata tayah contact dah and i wass geram gilaa , nngis gilaagila woo .

I like suda gilaa * -.-" I dnt knw , i just cnt accepted ths .

Lamalama, tak contact dia dah.

Then, abtt 4 days laterr I tgk profile Myspace dia , suda ada Gf baru lahh. :'(

Tu lah . Sometimes, betul apa org ckp . Friend is my everythg ;)

Seriously, now I dah bole accept and thnks to all my frens yg support and selalu advice I ;))

Iloveyou guys till death <33

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