First day of school 2009 -.-

Its Sucks ! Aduhduh -.- I feel like I just want to scream out loud .
Omigosh :O Bosann seyh . First day , dah ada keja wooo .
Menyeksakann ! I wa like dying mnyiapkann semuaa . Huish .
Tapela ths year , UPSR * Soo , must studyhard . After thtt , enjoy baiii like heaven , hehe =)
Butt, I feel happy cause dptt meet kwn2 yg suda sebulan stgah takk jumpaa .
Thenn , I was like TIREDD bila balikk . Malam je dah kena study in ScoreA .
Online kejap * hehe ,

The second day I was like Huhhh ? -.- Tiredd gilaa . Tatahu nape .
Balik sekola je mandi teruss tidurr mati . Haish .
Seriously , ngantukk pluss penat .
Then , bangun tgk tv . Online * Blog-ging .
Laparr , grr * Padahal suda mkn . -.-"
Okayy . Buutt , seriously I tekad study like HELL , no more fooling around and having fun like 2008 .
Afterr UPSR * baru enjoy gilagila punya kauu woo :O

Okay . Sudah penat . Mahu study -.-
Sooo , thanks for reading .

Bye , lots of love from <33 Sara ;]

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