Survey from Suraya ;]

birthday : 13th birthday 1997 :p Comingg up !

current location : Bukit Indah, Ampangg :]

righty or lefty : Righty , of coz'

heritage : Tak ambill tahuu :p

thoughts first waking up : Where's my Fluffy Gemokk ? hehe ,

mcdonalds or burger king : I prefer McD ;]

chocolate or vanilla : Choc , I would be better :p

what were you doing 5 minutes ago : Commenting DausPsycho's Pictures .

i love : Whom I love <33 hehe ,

i feel : I want to Shout till death :O

i hate : Him , FAKER !

i need : My precious darlingg , Fikri :'(

last person you argued with : My Lil Sis :)

favorite cheese : I dont know butt , KRAFT :p

allergic to : Biatchh ;)

ever thrown up in a car : Neverr , nigtmare :O

first person you call when having a bad day : Not in phone but sometimes in Mys or YM! Usually , Bibah , Isya and Nanaa :]

first concert : When I wass 5 yearss oldd :)

shampoo first or wash body first : Wash body firstt , then shampoo :]

pen or pencil : I prefer pen cause if pencil , tulisan Burukk :(

perfect time to wake up : 12 noon , I think * hehe ,

perfect time to go to bed : 3 a.m :]

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