Tagged by Aida :) -Boom, shake, drop :)-

1) put ur iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc on shuffle
2) for each quest, press the next button to get ur answer
3) u must write down the song's name NO MATTER HOW silly it sounds
4) put this on ur journal/blog

1- If someone says, "Is this okay ?" ... you say ?
Your call , hehe

2- How would you describe yourself ?
Love story :)

3- What do you like in a girl ?
Hot N cold :DD

4- How do you feel today ?
Puspa , bengongg je !

5- What is your life's purpose ?
Selamat hari raya , bhahahaha :DD

6- What is your motto ?
Jadikan aku yg kedua , haha , siott je !

7- What do your friends think of you ?
Situasi :)

8- What do you think of your parents ?
So what ? , HUH -.-"

9- What do you think about very often ?
Why dont you kiss her ? Muahahahahaa =)

10- What is 2 + 2 ?
Angin bayu bertiupan , hehe . Bodoh je !

11- What do you think of your best friend ?
Take my heart <33

12- What do you think of the person you like ?
Tapi bukan aku , huh ?

13- What is your life story ?
Dugaannya , :DD

14- What do you want to be when you grow up ?
Love is gone :)

15- What do you think of when you see the person you like ?
We drive tonight , hehe :DD

16- What will you dance to at your wedding ?
In the ayer , hehe

17- What will they play at your funeral ?
Selepas kau pergi . Perghh -.-"

18- What is your hobby/interest ?
Bawaku terbang , haha

19- What is your biggest fear ?
I'm yours :DD

20- What is your biggest secret ?
Secret , Cool :DD

21- What do you think of your friends ?
Disturbia , hehe . Ngekk je baii !

22- What will you post this as ?
Boom, shake, drop , Weee :)

WishclubMalaysia . The X Drive ! JOHOR BAHRU :] Weee

First Day :]
Okay . I wake up from my beauty sleep at 7 am .
Penat gila kot ! And I'm still sleepy . Grr :S
Ya laah ! Tidurr pkul 2 am .
Nak packing baju , kemas ruma lagaiii !
Aduhduhh -.-
Then I take my bath and siapsiap .
Masuk beg dlm kereta and blablabla and so on .
Then bertolak dari rumah at 7.45 am .
Pegi somewhere around Ampang too.
Jumpa Uncle Sam, Ibrahim and Uncle Fendy :)
After tht , terus bertolak pergi Sri Pentas Shah Alam :]
Kat situ , rupa nya .
Others Wishclub members dah sampai !
Weee :D
Then , I apa lagi . Ambil my Canon EOS 400D .
Snap pictures laa ! Bhahaaha :D
Penat gila kot !
Then , pkul 9.30 .
Di TV9 WishclubMalaysia masuk TV maa !
Oh my my . Ta pcaye ?
Tekan link ni .
Watch it , then You believe it ! bhahaha :D
Then , after perasmian WCM short for WishClubMalaysia .
We all hit the roads to JB .
Omg , what a journey !
Berhenti jap kat Ayerkeroh . Then , sambung our journey to JB .
Blablablabla .
Then, around 3 pm sampai JB .
Finally !
Then , I take all my things and get in my room .
Oh my my !
Penat gila baii !
Lepak dlm bilik jea ,
Pkul 4.30 kelua , lepak kat swimpool.
But I tak mandi.
Not in mood , PFFTT =.=
Then , pkul 6 lebih naik bilik.
Siaaapp and mandiii !
Around 8 pm trun dkat car park . tggu members yg lain.
then , hit the roads to have a dinner around danga bay :]
It was a delicious :)
Yumyummy . I just have a simple dinner, spaghetti bolognaise & sirap limau jea.
Then , balik je HOTEL around 10 pm , lepak lobby !
dengan kak farah .
Sambil tu , tunggu Hazim, Haikal, Alif and others.
I thought , diorg belum balik . then tunggu je . smpai pkul 12 .
Aduhduhh -.-
Maybe belum balik lagi kot !
Around 12.30 pm I and kak Farah terus naik bilik .
and tidurrr !
Second day !
Bangun around 9.30 . I didnt have my breakfast ! Weee :D
Okay , back to the story !
Siapsiap je .
Terus trun car park, tggu members WCM yg lain.
Then , semua dah adaa !
We hit the roads to Rumah seri kenangan.
But , some of WCM members didnt follow us !
They all went to the Istana Sultan Johor, to invite the Sultan to the Rmah Seri Kenangan .
and , blablabla .
Dah smpaii !
keja I apa lagi , snap pictures.
Then , sampai pukul 9.30 pagi taau .
Sultan Johor sampai pukul 11 pagi.
bayang 2 hours 30 mins , we all tggu dia .
Sabar je !
Then , Sultan bagi ucapan.
Uncle Zaki , selaku penganjur The X drive bagi ucapan.
And blablabla.
Makaaannn time !
Pukul 2 hit the roads to Angsana the MALL.
Actually , time nak pegi Angsana we're lost !
Pukul 3.30 , baru sampai Angsana .
We've spent 1 hr 30 min to find the right way to Angsana , BHAHAHAHAA :D
Then , kat sana je .. I singgah satu kedai baju ni taau.
lawa gila baju kat situ . but , mahal !
owner baju tu , budak2 taau.
Soo , i've met ths HOT guy named Ferd.
but , ths guy more to pangkat 'abang'. HAHA :D
he's 19 .
Abg ferd ni pegang Nikon D90 taau.
I tga pgang Canon 400D I je .
then , dia datang kat I , dia hlurkan camera dia .
I terkejut and tanya Ferd " for what ? "
" Exchange jap . nak try canon ." He said .
I punn . Woaahh ! okay :)
Then , i amik lah Nikon Ferd . Omg !
Best gila kot , BhAHAHA :D
I snap some pics .
Then Ferd kata ,
" You have a great potential on taking pictures . So , memang minat photography ? "
I was like , Bangga je HAHA :D
Me : " Yeaahh ! Memang minat gila . but , ta ckup pengalaman lagi . "
Ferd : Oh reaally ? Well . If nak belaja tgkp gmbr or graphic design, contact Ferd. Lagipun , Sara dduk bukit indah kan ? Ferd dduk ampg jaya :) "
Me : Oh okaay ! Sara minta permission papa dulu . Btw , thanks sbb bagi pinjam camera .
Ferd : My pleasure , No biggie laa .
then , I bagi balik camera dia .
Ferd bagi card dia.
and take off to window shoppin , HAHA :D
blablabla . Pkul 5 balik hotel.
Sampai je hotel . Terus pegi swim .
entah tibatiba ada pula mood nak swim :] Weee .
then , malam je siaaaappp ! pegi makan .
blablablabla .
balik hotel around 10 pm.
Sampai je , naik blik jap . then , turun pegi lobby .
sebab ada suprise birthday party Uncle Zaimax and Aunty Fauziah.
Then , macam macam lah jadi .
Last day !
I bgun pkul 9.30 . soo , tak dpt jumpa members WCM . sebab diorang ada prjumpaan pkul 8.30 .
then , masingmasing packing , BALIIKK !
:'( Sedih je .
Tape laa . Next time jumpa lagi !
Then , I and family terus pegi Kluang pegi rumah IBU , my aunty :]
then , malam baru balik !
penat gilaaa ! kalau nak tengok gambar .
tekan link ni .
Thanks for reading , Folks ! <33

I hate this kind of guy -.-

Kepada lelaki yang hipokrit pluss tak sedar diri .
Actually , Sumpaa ! I sayang pluss suka kat You sesgtnya .
But , why did You do ths to me ?
Mcm ni ceritanya ..
First met kat Timesquare (: Then , time tu segan je nak tegur .
That time I klua nan My BestBoyFriend .
Bukan Boyfriend . BestBoyFriend okaay? HAHA
Then , secara tibatiba . Entah mcm mana bole rapat nan You .
And I suka kat You . -_-'
Then , memang rapat gilagila .
You dulu tak sombong , slalu igt kat I , ta penah ta tegur I if I online Mys or YM! .
Always there if I need someone to share all my probs .
Memang segalanya PERFECTO !
Tapi , itu semuanya dulu !
dulu && dulu .
Now .
Semuanya berubah after You have a Girlfriend ( GF ) .
You are like hell sombong gila . I comment , ta balas !
Time YM! You ckp You takut Gf You mara .
Gf You dduk jauh . Btw , Gf You tak kan tahu .
If You yang bagitahu .
Btw , we're just friends okaay ?
Nak YM! nan kwn puun , tak kan Gf You nak mara ?
Aduhduhh -.-
Igt I tak tahu ke ,
dulu You kata .
You couple nan Gf You ni punn sebab nak balas dendam.
Sbb Gf You ni ' cia ' yang mngaja Gf kwn baik You iaitu E .
Menjual badan , telan pil , minum arak semua ?
You are hell LIAR !
Nape ta balas dendam lagi kat Gf You tuu?
Tunggu lg 2 Tahun ?
Tunggu dia dah mmg betul2 suka kat You && You pun suka kat dia && cinta dia ?
Baru I tahu , You are such a LIAR .

i miss youu , FAIZUL FIKRI . )':

marilah kita semua sedekahkan AL FATIHAH kpd arwah FAIZUL FIKRI
(kawan baik) sara yg tlah mninggal dunia pada
4 dis pd pkul 3.45 ptang
akibat barah otak .
arwah tlah mnanggung pnyakit nya sejak bulan 6 tahun ini.
marilah kita semua mendoakn agar rohnya dicucuri rahmat.
nama penuh : FAIZUL FIKRI
umur : 15 tahun
i was singing out loud a song entitled "goodbye".
then , i received a message from FATIN , Fikri's sister .
She said that Fikri had died.
i thought she's lying to me.
then i called Fikri's mother.
She answered my call and she was crying.
my heart feel like somethg bad had happen.
then i ask , " aunty, mana Fikri?"
"umphh. he had died just a few minutes ago" she replied.
i was likeee... OMG !
i ended the call with tears.
and i was crying like hell you know?
i dnt know , why ?
maybe , it is because i love him so much .
then , i took my handphone . and type a message abt Fikri's death.
and i send to all my friends, act, not all.
when maghrib , i go to my mother's bedroom.
i cried out loud and said to my mother tht Fikri had died.
my mother was crying too.
my mother hug me.
then my mother said just pray for him && be strong.
my mother also asked me to read YASSIN for Fikri.
after i solat maghrib.
i took the YASSIN && start reading it with full of tears.
then, that night i didnt take my dinner at all .
even a single drop of water.
i miiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssss yooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuu, FIKRIIII !!!